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Horse Registration

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Registration Guidelines


In general, to qualify for registration a Paint Horse must:

  1. Be at least 14hh high at 5 year old.
  2. Must have both sire and dam registered with the PHAA, Australian Quarter Horse Association or Thoroughbred (Australian Stud Book), or a combination of these Associations.
  3. Sire and Dam must be PHAA approved and upgraded for Breeding, penalty fees apply if not.

Rule 102: Bloodline Requirements

(a) (i) All horses foaled after July 31, 1979, must have both sire and dam registered in the PHAA Regular Registry, Breeding Stock Registry, AQHA or ASB or a combination of any two of these Associations. A Stallion Service Certificate (breeder’s certificate) must be furnished with all applications.

(a) (ii) All horses foaled after July 31, 1999 must have both sire and dam registered in the PHAA Regular, Paint Bred or Paint Performance Registries or with the AQHA or ASB or a combination of any two of these. A Stallion Service Certificate (breeder’s certificate) must be furnished with all applications. (recognises changes of classification to PHAA Paint Bred and Paint Performance registries)

Note: AQHA registered 'Q' and 'R' mares will have the same status for registration of Paint foals. AJC registered mares that have proven thoroughbred breeding for three (3) generations shall have the same status as stud book thoroughbred mares for registration requirements.

(b) All appendix registered quarter horse mares foaled prior to August 1st 1990 shall have the same status for registration as R and Q mares.

(c) For all appendix registered quarter horse mares foaled after July 31st 1990, provided they meet the bloodline requirement for two generations, will be accepted as part of the bloodline requirement.

(d) All ‘A’ numbered quarter horse mares, foaled after July 31st 1995 which are by a ‘Q’ numbered horse out of a foundation mare, will only be accepted if the outcross is stud book thoroughbred.

(h) Refer to Rule 115 concerning AQHA and ASB stallions.

(i) PHAA reserves the right to accept any Paint, Paint Bred or Paint Performance horse and record the transfer or lease of a PHAA registered horse into the registry when the breeding is proven to the satisfaction of the Association.

(j) Thoroughbred mares and stallions that are used for Paint Horse breeding must be registered in the Australian Stud Book records. Horses noted with a suffix of “ntb” will not be accepted until verification of thoroughbred only bloodlines is received from the Keeper of the Australian Stud Book.

(k) As from 1st August 2009, all ‘A’ numbered quarter horse stallions which are by a ‘Q’ numbered horse out of a foundation mare, will only be accepted if the outcross is stud book thoroughbred. (Refer BOD meeting Sept 2010


Paint Horse Characteristics

White markings outside the shaded area on this diagram are considered Paint Horse characteristics.

Paint Horse Characteristics include:

  1. White on legs above the point of hock and centre of the knee.
  2. Glass, blue or watch eyes.
  3. Apron face.
  4. White on the jaws.
  5. Pink skin under white hair and/or a blue zone between white hair and other colour present.
  6. Two-coloured mane and/or as characterised by the Tobiano type (excluding flaxen).


20MM Circle

A. What is a "Natural Paint Marking"?

For the purpose of this rule the term "Natural Paint Marking" shall mean a predominant hair coat colour and contrasting area of white hair which has underlying pink skin. The area of white hair must be such that it cannot be covered by a 50mm circle and the area of underlying pink skin must be such that it cannot be covered by a 20mm circle. The marking can be anywhere on the horse behind reference line 1 and above reference lines 2 & 3. In the event that a horse is predominately white, there must be a colour in contrast.

Reference Lines
The reference lines mentioned above may be described as follows:

Reference Line 1: From the base of the ear forward horizontally to the base of the other ear; from the base of the ear past the outside corner of the eye to the corner of the mouth, from the corner of the mouth under the chin to the corner of the mouth.

Reference Line 2: A level line around the foreleg at the centre of the knee.

Reference Line 3: A level line around the hindleg at the point of the hock.


PH Ref LinesPH Ref Lines 2


Any colt, filly, mare or stallion that meets the bloodline requirement but does not meet the minimal colour requirement is still eligible to be registered. These horses would be registered as a "Solid" in the Paint Bred registry.


The Paint Horse Association register horses based on phenotype, these are Overo, Tobiano, Tobero and Solid.  Additional Coat Patterns are recognised and displayed on Registration Certifcates on proof of Genetic Testing, examples these are Splashed White, Sabino. 

For information on coat pattern types, go to our Coat Pattern Guide page.
For information on base coat colors and descriptions go to our Coat Colour page.


If I breed my solid Paint Bred Registered mare to a Registered Quarter Horse Stallion can the resulting foal be registered?

If your mare doesn’t carry the Overo gene, then the resulting foal is eligible to be registered as breeding stock and has limited showing rights. If your mare carries the Overo Gene (genetic testing required) then yes, the horse can be registered with the PHAA with full showing rights according to it Registry. 

Is DNA Testing alone sufficient to Register my horse

Unfortunately not.  The PHAA has strict registration processes, which include a Certificate of Service for the breeding that resulted in your horse.

It says here my mare is not upgraded for breeding what does this mean and how do I upgrade her?

From 2012 all mares must have a DNA sample taken and recorded on file for all offspring to be matched against. All that is required is completion of the Genetic Test Request Form (tick DNA) and make payment, the office will then send you the paperwork required to take a hair sample and also postage details for sending it to the Lab.

My Horse is registered overseas is it automatically registered with the PHAA

Under Rule 101 we accept horses from overseas breed registry's that meet these criteria and these horses must meet our other Registration Rules also.