About the PHAA
The Paint Horse Association of Australia was formed in 1973 to collect, record and preserve the pedigrees of Paint Horses. Now, more than 40 years on, we have experienced enormous growth in members and the Paint Horse Breed.
'Something other than colour' was the basis for the Association. The purpose is to register, promote and keep records on a definite type - the Quarter Horse and Thoroughbred type of Paint Horse and this in itself may well account for the continuous growth of the PHAA. Members are breeding for bloodline, temperament, conformation and ability as well as colour. Proof of their breeding programmes is showing as more and more horses competing on the Open Show Circuit are commanding respect and receiving many well deserved titles and awards.

The Paint Horse has become an extremely popular equine breed, bringing quality, colour and versatility to a wide range of horse activities. The Association also serves as an information centre for its members and the general public on matters pertaining to shows, contests and projects designed to improve and aid the industry.
Fees effective from 01 August 2022
Join the PHAA
Membership of the PHAA becomes due on 1st July each year. To apply to join or to renew your membership simply download the membership form below, print out, fill in and send with your payment to the PHAA office. Different fees apply to the different types of membership. Payment may be made by cheque, money order or credit card.
Membership fees
Full Single Membership | $160 |
Constituent Membership
(For two people, Partnerships, Companies, Synd.etc) |
$185 |
Family Membership
(2 adults and 3 children) |
$215 |
Associate Membership
(For a person who no longer owns or shows but wishes to remain a member) |
$90 |
Introductory Member
(For a person who has NEVER been a member, for the first year only) |
$95 |
Life Membership
(must be full member before applying) |
$2500 |
Points Book | $35 |
New members may transfer ownership of their first horse for FREE!
Senior Youth
(Youth aged 14 to 18 years) |
$45 | |
Junior Youth
(Youth aged under 14 years) |
$40 | |
Limited Youth
(Walk/Jog & Leadline competitors only) |
$25 |